Website Content

You only have 8 seconds…

Have you heard the term “above the fold”? It refers to the part of your website you can see without scrolling. This specific area of your website is crucial: it’s the first thing people see and you have about 8 seconds to make them stick around. Does your website invite them in or make them say “mmm…never-mind…”


Website Audit

We all need a little creative direction once in a while. If you’re not ready to hand off your entire website to be updated, a website audit might be for you. I’ll provide you with a comprehensive review of your website plus ONE page with brand new content. You’ll be able to make all your changes with clear direction for your copy.


Website Content

Sick of staring at the same old content day after day? Felt. I’ll take your precious website and start from the ground up after we discuss your main goals, vision, and ideas. I’ll work to craft compelling, SEO rich content which you’ll have in your inbox within 2-3 weeks. We’ll go over it with a fine-tooth comb, make edits, and then PRESTO!



This is when the magic happens…

When you book any website content service, I first do a little happy dance and then we get down to business (just like Mulan).

Here’s what to expect:


I want to hear about your website project!

Please note that website content investments begin at $3,500 and vary depending on length, pages, and research. A customized quote will be given to you after our discovery call.